Reviewing two decades of male suicide research.

In this study, we reviewed two decades of male suicide research.

We searched multiple academic databases to find all the qualitative studies on male suicide. Qualitative research, like interviews, is a method of study to understand people’s experiences. It explores the “why” and “how” of human behaviour.

We combed through over 19,000 search results and found 78 studies that met our criteria. These studies brought together insights from over 1,695 men who are suicidal or people bereaved by male suicide.

We repeatedly reviewed and explored each study – combining and analysing their findings – to find common patterns in male suicide risk and recovery factors. By exploring all these studies together, we wanted to build bigger and broader conclusions about male suicide.

Free public guides of findings:

Our public guide has three different versions depending on your time and the level of detail required.

Are you short on time but still want to stay informed? The “Headlines Only” guide provides a concise summary of key findings.

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Looking for a bit more depth? The “Short Guide” offers an overview of the key findings, providing you with essential insights.

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For those seeking a deeper understanding, our “Comprehensive Guide” delivers a detailed commentary on the findings and their implications. It also includes background information on key theories of suicide and detailed recommendations to improve intervention strategies.

Download ‘Long Guide’

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