
In this study, we reviewed two decades of research on male suicide. We synthesized evidence from 78 papers, bringing together all the evidence we could find on male suicide risk and recovery factors.

Male suicide is a complex issue that requires urgent research. We joined forces with 242 people impacted by male suicide to create an agenda of research priorities for male suicide. We wanted to understand what issues need to be explored as a priority.

We asked 725 men who have been suicidal in the past week or year to tell us the barriers they experience around accessing professional support.

We asked 725 men who have been suicidal in the past week or year to tell us the barriers they experience around accessing professional support.

Are you a man who has had suicidal thoughts or experiences? Your voice could help shape our work.

I am looking for men aged 16 and over to take part in a public consultation on male suicide risk and recovery factors and help inform our next research proposal.

Are you a health professional who works with men who are suicidal? Would you be happy to take part in a confidential study to share your experiences?

We are looking to work with health professionals who engage with men at risk of suicide. We want to understand your experiences better. Your insights and recommendations could help us develop training to enhance support for at-risk men.

3. Research coming soon

Childhood challenges and male suicide risk

We are exploring how challenges in childhood impact suicide risk in men. We want to know:

  • What are the childhood experiences that most put men at risk?
  • What can we do to better support men and young boys who experience childhood trauma?