Public Consultation

Are you a man who has had suicidal thoughts or experiences? Your voice could help shape our work.

I am looking for men aged 16 and over to take part in a public consultation on male suicide risk and recovery factors and help inform our next research proposal.

From Isolation to Connection

Last year, we completed a study to develop an agenda of research priorities for male suicide.

Over two hundred people with lived experience told us the most important questions for researchers to explore.

We are developing a research proposal to delve into this issue.

To make our research proposal as impactful as possible, I want to continue to ensure the voices of men with lived experiences of suicide are at the heart of our work.

Your insights can make a difference.

By sharing your thoughts, you can help us ask the right research questions, develop effective recruitment methods, and find the best ways to share our findings with the public.

Join us in making a meaningful impact on male suicide prevention. Thank you.